CDI Burning HOWTO Revision 1.1 1. Copyright Information This text is released for free to anyone for any purpose. Feel free to copy, update, and redistribute. Please contact the author ( if you update this document. 2. Introduction This document will help you create a CD from a .CDI image under linux, hopefully leaving you with a working CD in the intended format. 3. Getting Started You will need a few things to get started: 3.1 cdrecord Unfortunately the version of cdrecord at the time of the writing of this document will not properly write the audio track of a CDI extracted disk (the minimum length is 302 bytes, while the CDI format is 300) for this you will need a patched version located at some of the following locations: Thanks to Peter Ashley for the patch. 3.2 CDIrip CDIrip is "a small tool which will scan and extract the contents of a DiscJuggler (both v2.0 and v3.0 versions) image. These images end with extension .CDI, hence the name." You can find this program in many locations, including the following: 2.3 A CD-R drive, supported by cdrecord (most are) 4. Let's do it! I assume at this point that you have the patched cdrecord, and CDIrip on your system, and in your $PATH. 4.1 Extracting the tracks Execute the CDIrip as follows: cdirip image.cdi -cdrecord 'image.cdi' is the name of your .cdi image, after this is completed you will be left with two kinds of files, audio tracks, and data tracks: taudio01.wav tdata02.iso in this example, we only have one audio track, and one data track, if you have more of either it's okay, they're numbered so you can burn them in the correct order. 4.2 Burning the tracks Audio tracks and data tracks require slightly different parameters to cdrecord, when burning, make sure that you're providing the right parameters for the data being burnt. For audio tracks: cdrecord dev=0,6,0 speed=8 -v -multi -audio taudio01.wav For data tracks: cdrecord dev=0,6,0 speed=8 -v -multi -xa1 tdata02.iso You should of course change the filename in the examples above to reflect the track that you are burning, as well as the burn speed, and device ID. 5. Conclusion At this point you should have a CD-R with the tracks in the correct order, if you find that the CD-R does not work for some reason, make sure that you burnt the tracks in the correct order, used the patched version of cdrecord, and did not recieve any errors from cdrecord after burning any tracks.